Wordbuilding in literature involves designing the perfect fictional setting for your story. This process is so important because, as the container that houses the story, your setting — the world you have built — deeply affects character psyche, plot, tone, atmosphere and even the major themes.
Worldbuilding lays the foundation for your story. It is the platform that allows the characters to develop, the stage on which they will perform.
Depending on how good your worldbuilding is, your readership can be so drawn into your story that it leaves an indelible mark on them. Some major worldbuilding feats have created notable franchises such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hunger Games, Twilight, Chronicles of Narnia, et cetera. These franchises have pulled huge crowds, many among these having dedicated significant parts of their lives delving into all the possibilities and all the angles made possible by the worldbuilding. Examples of online forums where you can find these fans include Reddit, Quora, and Wikia.
OK, I admit, I’m one of them.
J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is set in a very deeply constructed world, with a whole backstory published in a separate book. The characters even have different languages constructed by the author. Some fans have spent decades studying his work and its various interpretations — such that “Tolkien scholar” is pretty much now a recognisable phrase.
More recently, George R. R. Martin has followed Tolkien’s style and published his world in a separate book from his main novels.
Different aspects of worldbuilding
Tolkien’s worldbuilding in Lord of the Rings involves an aspect of it now known as mythopoeia — the creation of one’s own myth. To design his world, known as “Middle-earth”, Tolkien created a completely fictional myth involving gods and fallen angels and quasi-human creatures like elves, dwarves, goblins, hobbits and ents. His worldbuilding included an alternate creation myth where his gods create the world in a completely different manner to what we are familiar with, although it still retains some of the elements of our own world such as a single omnipotent deity and a “flat earth” vs “round earth” divergence.
Many other writers since Tolkien have followed this pattern — though perhaps in a lesser degree of complexity and development. Writers like this include George R. R. Martin, J. Rowling, Rick Riordan and C. S. Lewis.
Rather than create novel universes, most writers just prefer to depict our own real world but then introduce fantastic elements and adapt them to their story. The Superman franchise, for instance, involves earth as it is, but then an alien planet called Krypton is introduced, and its inhabitants — referred to as Kryptonians — acquire superpowers whenever they come to earth and are exposed to the planet’s “yellow sun”.
One consistent thing in worldbuilding is laws. No matter what universe you are building, no matter how you are building it, you need to create laws for your world, laws that will absolutely never fail. These laws will create internal cohesion in your story and bring your work to life before your readers’ eyes.
How to build your own fictional world
Remember that this is your world. Take some time to delve into it and decide how similar or completely different to the ‘real’ world it should be. Fictional worlds have been set in completely different times or spaces. These worlds typically contain their own well-crafted continents, with well-detailed countries and locations that have each its separate background in the narrative.
Some historical background is essential in a world that is entirely different to our own. Not only does it help set up the story itself and determine the conflict in it, it also gives the readers the chance to explore the fictional world as an alternate reality and enjoy the feel and the thrill of a novel, fascinating environment. George Martin’s Westeros (in the A Song of Ice and Fire series) is a long continent that might have been based on the shape of Great Britain. The great northern part is large, yet cold and almost barren, in complete contrast to the lush gardens, warm weather and the gay people of the south. The Starks of the north are just as hard and cold as their land, and when they eventually come down south they hardly fit into the subtle cunning and flagrant backstabbing from honey-tongued folks that characterised politics there. Events quickly escalate into a war.
The entire story itself is driven by a magic system — the Targaryen dragons. They are the Machine. Martin provides a background to the magic system that is in very close keeping with our own history. There is no Rome in this story but there is Valyria, just as old and just as great. The Valyrians are dragonlords, having tamed the beasts centuries earlier; and with these beasts they carve themselves an empire. Instead of proconsuls there are archons, dispatched on dragonback to govern the provinces. The fall in this story is darker: no mere conquest of the Visigoths — there is the Doom of Valyria. The Targaryens, survivors of the horrible cataclysm, turn west and conquer the Seven Kingdoms. But before long they lose their dragons; their Iron Throne naturally followed. The old generation is reborn, however, in Daenaerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, who brings forth new beasts and through them the old ways.
J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is set in the same universe as our own, but she introduces a new dimension. Her tool of choice is, of course, the introduction of a magic system, that friend of fiction writers and readers alike. Rowling’s “Wizarding world” is set right in the midst of the ordinary populace. Witches and wizards (individuals not unlike us, except with the ability to do magic) live among nonmagic, everyday folk — referred to as Muggles. There is a hidden platform at King’s Cross Station exclusive to wizards. There is a Ministry of Magic underground in central London, with a Minister for Magic. Rowling crafts a Wizarding world that has not only its own identity, but more importantly the touch of feeling real. That is the appeal. She creates background events for the Wizarding world, events that often correspond with similar happenings in our own history. Witches and wizards used to live openly until the witch-hunts began in Europe. To settle matters and protect themselves, they decide to go into hiding. The international wizarding government passes a statute of secrecy, establishing laws and protocol for wizards to keep themselves hidden, such as the law forbidding underage magic outside Hogwarts, the Wizarding school. Strict penalties are enforced to deter lawbreakers, and often — when these laws are broken — Ministry officials and the civil service are deployed to undo the harm and create cover-ups. With all these, Rowling ensures that young children will go to sleep every night believing in their heart of hearts that Hogwarts is real. One day they’ll get their letter. One day they’ll have feasts every day and fly on broomsticks — just like Harry.
What rules are in place for your story? For every worldbuilder, there must be laws that bind your fictional universe. The consistency and the limitations that these laws provide are the tools that bring your story to life before your audience. In Harry Potter, wizards are quite unable to do magic without their wands. In Lord of the Rings, no one can move from one place to the other instantaneously, even if they are at a level approaching divinity, so Sauron is forced to watch painfully from his tower as the Ring dances tantalisingly over the edge of Mount Doom. Superman, embodied in Clark Kent, does not have powers except under a yellow sun, nor can he get over his tumultuous relationship with Kryptonite. But your laws do not have to be just limitations. They could serve merely as a simple guide — made obvious through the narrative — of how your world works.
On that note, remember you do not have to include a magic system either. Your world could be just like our own, but with unique cultures and sensibilities and perhaps a different history. Just ensure that your story comes alive before the reader. To help yourself gain the insight you need, ask yourself questions such as:
What kind of people Iive in this world? Is there a government? Who holds power?
What is the culture like? Is there a hierarchical system in society?
What do people believe in? What are the religious or spiritual beliefs? How do they live their day-to-day lives?
How have things in this world changed over the ages? What are the differences between the current time and the olden days?
Reflecting on these questions and relating them to the personalities and motivations of your characters will help you craft a world that will be just as real to your readers as the world around them.